Frontline Report

COVID-19 hit rapidly, shaking up everything, and a lot of the world shut down. But Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology did not and could not—babies don’t just stop coming! CUIMC-Ob/Gyn reacted equally fast, and this book tells their dramatic story, week by week, from March through May of 2020. The book is intentionally monocromatic and dark to express the mood of the situation, however the backgrounds lighten as the weeks go on, expressing a growing sense that things are getting better. There are also moving personal, first-hand accounts from individuals as “Reflections” throughout the book. The facts are presented in small chunks of text to provide easy access and divided into two categories: what was happening at CUIMC and what was happening nationally. At the end we show statistics and detail the department’s impressive list of research articles on COVID-19 care, published by leading medical journals.

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  • Client Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Date December 2, 2020
  • Tags Healthcare